Posts Tagged ‘“motorcycle accidents”’
Massachusetts Observes Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month With Caution As Fatal Crashes Rise
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. In Massachusetts, the message is critical as motorcycle fatalities are rising.
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and Massachusetts has to observe with more caution this year.
The number of fatal motorcycle crashes rose across the state last year. So did the number of fatal motor vehicle accidents, even as traffic volumes fell statewide with COVID-19. State officials say drivers were speeding down open roads and when accidents happened, they were more likely to be fatal.
Statewide, the number of motor vehicle fatalities increased more than 2 percent, from 336 deaths in 2019 to 345 deaths in 2020, according to MassDOT Crash Data as of May 10, 2021. While there were fewer pedestrian fatalities, the state saw a notable increase in both motorcycle and bike accident fatalities. Motorcycle fatalities increased 20 percent, from 48 fatalities in 2019 (including 46 motorcycle operators and 2 passengers) to 58 motorcycle fatalities last year (55 motorcyclists and 3 passengers). MassDOT also reported 10 fatal bicycle crashes last year, a 100 percent increase over 2019.
Because drivers traveled fewer miles last year, the traffic fatality rate climbed much more than the actual numbers across the country. At Breakstone, White & Gluck, we encourage drivers to refocus and work to travel safely near motorcyclists. We share these safety tips from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):
Motorcycle Safety Tips for Massachusetts Drivers
Motorcyclists Have the Same Rights. Drivers must share the road with motorcyclists. Motorcyclists have the right to travel in the traffic lane and even pass your vehicle, when it is safe to do so. They also have to obey the same traffic signs and signals. You can reduce the risk of causing a motorcycle accident by giving riders extra room and slowing down on your approach.
Recognize a Motorcycle’s Size. Appreciate the difference between a motorcycle and a motor vehicle. Motorcycles may weigh several hundred pounds. An SUV may weigh in at 5,000 to 6,000 pounds. Commercial vehicles carry many times this.
Use Your Mirrors and Look for Motorcyclists. Use your mirrors when you drive. Assume you will be sharing the road with motorcyclists, as well as cyclists and pedestrians.
Use Your Turn Signals. Activate your turn signal early enough so motorcyclists know you intend to turn.
Never Trust Motorcycle Blinkers. On the other hand, never trust a motorcyclist’s blinkers. Motorcycles may not have self-canceling turn signals. If a motorcyclist forgets to turn their signal off, it may continue blinking. When you approach an intersection and come up behind a motorcyclist, wait until you are certain of their plans to avoid causing a motorcycle turn collision.
Commit Not to Pick Up Your Cell Phone. By committing to this, you are in a better position to safely respond to motorcyclists and other traffic.
Safety Tips for Massachusetts Motorcyclists
If you are a motorcyclist, May is a good time to check in on safety fundamentals.
Check Your Helmet. The best way to protect yourself is to wear a motorcycle helmet. The NHTSA offers tips for choosing a motorcycle helmet.
Review Your Auto Insurance. Take a moment to review your auto insurance policy. Another driver may be responsible for your injuries. But the reality is many drivers operate illegally without auto insurance or only purchase the state’s minimum coverage requirements. It is important for you to consider this as you purchase auto insurance. Ask your auto insurance agent for help and read our article on optional auto insurance coverages for Massachusetts motorcyclists.
Sign Up for Motorcycle Training. The Registry of Motor Vehicles offers the Massachusetts Rider Education Program at motorcycle schools across the state. Training classes are designed for all skill levels. At training classes, you have the opportunity to learn and sharpen your skills. You may also qualify for a discount on your auto insurance, savings you can use to buy more coverage.
What to Do If You Are Injured in A Motorcycle Crash
When a driver hits a motorcyclist, victims usually suffer serious and life-threatening injuries. At Breakstone, White & Gluck, we understand a motorcycle crash is devastating and emotional. The motorcyclist, along with their family members, needs guidance from an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer. We have the experience you need at Breakstone, White & Gluck. Read about our past results for clients in motorcycle accident cases.
Contact Breakstone, White & Gluck for a free legal consultation to learn your rights. Our attorneys will review the facts of your case with you and explain if you have a potential claim against another driver. If you have been injured by a commercial truck, it is even more important to contact an experienced lawyer to oversee the full investigation from the start.
For a free legal consultation, contact our Boston motorcycle accident lawyers at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676. You can also use our contact form.
As Riders Return, a High Number of Motorcycle Accidents and Fatalities in Massachusetts
Massachusetts has seen a number of motorcycle accidents, as riders and other drivers return to the road after COVID-19.
Five months from the outset of COVID-19, many motorcyclists are just getting back on Massachusetts roads. Yet already, we have seen several serious and fatal motorcycle accidents in the Boston area, Cape Cod and across the state, a reminder that riders need a little extra room for safety.
In recent weeks, motorcycle accidents have been reported in North Adams, Westfield, Springfield, Wrentham, Taunton, Dudley, Milton, Randolph and Lynn. Toward Cape Cod, motorcyclists have been injured in Bourne, Hyannis, Lakeville, Randolph and Bridgewater.
All these accidents, coming as the state of Massachusetts re-opens, show the need to emphasize motorcycle safety. Motorcyclists have a responsibility to follow traffic laws and wear helmets and protective clothing. In turn, drivers must pay attention to how close they are to motorcyclists and watch when turning or changing lanes.
Commit to drive safely. Obey speed limits and follow traffic laws to reduce your risk of car accidents and motorcycle collisions. Right now, traffic is unpredictable and schedules are less important. After days of little traffic, you may see several hours of cars and trucks speeding. Some vehicles are really racing because there are open roads, very light traffic.
First, take a good look at a motorcycle. Motorcyclists operate on two wheels, without the protection of a windshield and a car or truck frame. Because of this, motorcyclists are more likely to be injured should there be a collision on the road. Large trucks are the most dangerous vehicles on the road. They can hit motorcyclists, then drag them under the carriage. Truck accidents injuring motorcyclists are most likely to be fatal. But motorcyclists are highly vulnerable to any unexpected movement, making it important to give them room.
Raise Your Awareness About Motorcycle Accidents
Fatal motorcycle crashes. Motorcyclists are much more susceptible to crashes than other drivers. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcyclists account for 3 percent of all registered vehicles in the U.S. and just .6 percent of all vehicle miles traveled. Yet, per vehicle, motorcyclists have 6 times the fatality rate as other drivers.
Follow motorcycles at a distance. If you are driving behind a motorcycle, give the driver additional space. More than you would provide any other vehicle. Recognize that drivers are more likely to be involved in a motorcycle accident when making a left turn in front of a motorcyclist.
Never try to anticipate the motorcyclist’s next turn so you can get moving again. Likewise, do not trust the motorcyclist’s blinker. It may not have fully cancelled out after a prior turn or lane change. You just have to be patient.
Broadside collision. When a driver collides with the side of a motorcycle at a high speed, they can seriously injure the motorcyclist. These are also known as T-bone accidents or side impact motorcycle crashes.
Blindspots and mirrors. Use your mirrors as a guide to help you see the motorcyclist. But remember, motorcyclists can be in your blind spot. Even when you see them, you may not understand how far they are actually away from your vehicle. This is another reason to slow down and give riders more space.
Poor visibility. Respect hazardous weather conditions. Be aware that you may have to really look for motorcyclists, slow down and give all motor vehicles more distance.
Road hazards. Give motorcyclists additional time and space when the road surfaces change. For example, aging roads with potholes, construction work zones and railroad tracks.
Obstructed views. Many motorcycle crashes happen because drivers neglect to look. They may be busy or distracted as they back out of a parking lot or approach a turn. Other times, drivers make bad decisions because of obstructed views. They make the decision to turn or go when they don’t have a full view of the road, parking lot, rotary or intersection. There may be a truck blocking their view from behind or an SUV next to them at a traffic light. Make sure you can see the entire road and continually check your side and rearview mirrors to help you see around large trucks.
Safe driving behaviors. We have now reached August, the last month of summer. Enjoy your time, but please use good judgment. We urge you not to operate a motor vehicle or motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol. Drunk driving, distracted driving and operating while fatigued are highly dangerous. Use caution driving at night, just as you would during the day. You may not realize just how many pedestrians, cyclists or motorcyclists are out this year.
Motorcycle Safety Resources
Finally, if you are a Massachusetts motorcyclist, remember your responsibilities and the resources you have to protect yourself. Under Massachusetts law, motorcyclists are required to wear a helmet when riding to protect themselves from head injuries. Wearing a helmet, along with the right safety gear, is fundamental to protecting yourself. The state of Massachusetts also offers the Motorcycle Ridership Education Program, which offers training for beginning and advanced riders.
Purchasing the right types and amount of auto insurance is also critical for motorcyclists. Read our article, “Massachusetts Motorcyclists: Buy the Right Types of Auto Insurance to Protect Yourself and Your Finances.”
Free Legal Consultation – Boston Motorcycle Crash Lawyers
At Breakstone, White & Gluck, our Boston motorcycle accident lawyers represent those who have been injured by negligent or reckless driving. With more than 100 years combined experience, our attorneys have won several major awards for motorcyclists.
For a free legal consultation, call Breakstone, White & Gluck at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
Motorcyclists Face High Risks for Injury and Death in Truck Crashes
It was painful to learn of the New Hampshire truck crash which killed seven motorcyclists and injured three others last weekend. That one crash could injure so many is heart-breaking and we send our deepest condolences to the families.
The horrific accident happened Friday night in the community of Randolph, New Hampshire. The motorcyclists belonged to the Jarheads MC, a motorcycle club for Marine Corps veterans and close friends, according to The Boston Globe. The group was reportedly traveling to their annual meeting eastbound on Route 2 when they were struck by the truck traveling west. Reports said the truck crossed the double yellow line.
By Monday, the driver – a 23-year-old Springfield, Mass. man – had been charged with seven counts of negligent homicide in the case. Massachusetts State Police took Volodoymyr Zhukovskyy into custody at his home. He was then taken to Springfield District Court, where he waived extradition to New Hampshire.
New Hampshire authorities are still investigating the cause of the crash, but there are questions about whether Zhukovskyy should have been driving at all following his arrests on OUI charges last month and back in 2013, according to news reports. Meanwhile, his employer, Springfield-based Westport Transport is said to be cooperating with police.
While this type of collision causing so many injuries is rare, motorcycle crashes are not, especially during the summer in New England. Per mile, motorcyclists are 28 times more likely than passenger car occupants to die in a crash, according to the Insurance Information Institute. In fact, Massachusetts authorities report they have responded to four fatal motorcycle crashes between Saturday night and Monday morning.
Some of the crashes involved a single motorcyclist. This was the case in New Bedford, Belchertown and Andover. But in Westport, a preliminary investigation shows the motorcyclist was traveling westbound on Route 177 when there was a collision with a Ford Ranger turning onto Tickle Road. The driver of the Ford Ranger stayed on the scene and was said to be cooperating with police.
In addition to local authorities, motorcycle accidents should be investigated by an experienced motorcycle crash attorney. In some cases, another driver may not appear to be involved. But drivers who speed, stop short, pass a motorcycle illegally or fail to check their blindspot cause motorcyclists to crash all the time. These are known as no-contact crashes.
When trucks hit motorcyclists, injuries can be more severe as we saw in New Hampshire. Truck companies have a responsibility to train drivers how to operate near motorcyclists. Truck drivers must also take care to properly load vehicles, especially if they are carrying equipment and materials on open open trailers.
At Breakstone, White & Gluck, we urge drivers to observe the following:
- Motorcyclists have the right to operate on the same roads as drivers and must follow the same traffic laws and signals.
- Provide motorcyclists room. Travel several car lengths behind motorcyclists.
- Motorcyclists are permitted to ride two abreast in a lane in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. (Source: The Massachusetts Motorcycle Manual and
- Motorcyclist are not permitted to travel between traffic lanes (or split lanes).
- Accidents can happen when drivers fail to look before they turn. In fact, this was the cause of 44 percent of all motorcycle crashes in 2013, according to
- Attempt to make eye contact with motorcyclists at intersections. Many motorcyclists do not have self-canceling turn signals like car and you cannot trust a motorcyclist will turn until you see it.
- Check your mirrors and blindspots often.
- Some drivers have trouble driving in the rain. Expect the same from motorcyclists. Be patient and give them more room.
- Do not speed through traffic lights or make quick unexpected movements at traffic lights and intersections.
- Do not speed on any roads.
- Do not overload trucks and trailers. Secure equipment and materials behind a closed door or under secure ratchet straps, bungee tarp straps or other appropriate equipment.
- Do not attempt to pass motorcyclists unless you must. While you are allowed to do so in Massachusetts, the motorcyclist may not be expecting the move and surprises can lead to accidents and falls.
- Never drive when you are tired; do not drive when you are normally sleeping or getting ready for bed.
- Never drink and drive.
- Remove all distractions from your car, including cell phones. Hold heavy conversation and limit snacks and drinks.
Massachusetts Motorcycle Safety Tips
If you are a motorcyclist, please read our past blog, “Massachusetts Motorcycle Safety Tips.” The article can be a resource if you are just starting to ride, looking to become licensed or have questions about your Massachusetts auto insurance policy.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
The Boston car accident lawyers at Breakstone, White & Gluck specialize in representing those injured in motorcycle accidents caused by the negligence of other drivers. If you or a loved one has been injured, learn your legal rights for seeking compensation. For a free legal consultation, contact us at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
What Massachusetts Motorcyclists Should Know About Buying Auto Insurance
Attorneys Ronald E. Gluck, Marc L. Breakstone and David W. White, partners of the Boston law firm of Breakstone, White & Gluck. For more than 25 years, the firm has represented motorcyclists and others injured by reckless and negligent drivers.
Motorcyclists, before you start your engines, remember to check your Massachusetts auto insurance policy. Too many motorcyclists do not have enough coverage, which can be a costly and painful mistake if you are ever injured in a crash. For more than 25 years, Breakstone, White & Gluck has fought to obtain compensation for motorcyclists injured by negligent drivers. In recent years, our attorneys have vigorously pursued settlements of $3.75 million, $3.5 million and $1.25 million for three motorcyclists. We write about these Massachusetts motorcycle settlements on our website.
We work with auto insurance policies on a daily basis as we represent those injured on the road. We hope you are never injured, but it pays to plan and understand your auto insurance policy. After an accident, you may have to look to your own insurance policy, even if another driver caused the crash.
In Massachusetts, all drivers and motorcyclists must buy a minimum level of auto insurance. This is known as Compulsory Coverage. Motorcyclists need more and have a few special considerations. Your challenge is to identify what your potential needs would be following a crash. To start, you would need coverage for medical treatment and lost wages. Depending on the nature of your injury, you may be out of work for an extended period or worse, be left unable to return full-time. If you have a family and provide income for their support, you have more to consider.
The good news is you can plan and work with your insurance agent now to make sure your insurance coverage is adequate and that you have the right types. To help get you started, our attorneys have written these articles about Massachusetts auto insurance coverage. As a motorcyclist, make sure to read the section about Medical Payments coverage in our first article:
Insurance Articles for Massachusetts Motorcyclists | |
Massachusetts Motorcyclists: Buy the Right Types of Auto Insurance to Protect Yourself | |
Understanding and Buying Massachusetts Car Accident Insurance |
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
The attorneys of Breakstone, White & Gluck have over 100 years combined experience representing motorcyclists in the Boston area and across Massachusetts, from Brockton and Plymouth to Cape Cod to Framingham and Worcester. If you have been injured, take the time to learn your rights from one of our Boston motorcycle accident lawyers. Our attorneys can help you answer the key questions you may have following a motorcycle accident, such as “How much is my motorcycle accident claim worth?” and “How long will it take to obtain compensation for my injury after a motorcycle accident?” For a free legal consultation, contact us at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
For Massachusetts Motorcyclists, It’s Time for A Pre-Season Safety Check
Motorcycle season is almost here. For riders, this means goodbye snow and cold; hello to the open road.
Good pre-season preparation is essential for motorcyclists. Take some time to inspect your motorcycle and helmet and review the Massachusetts driving manual. Review your auto insurance as well; most drivers and motorcyclists do not carry enough insurance.
Wear a Helmet. Under Massachusetts law, motorcyclists must wear helmets which have been approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Helmets save lives so make sure yours is in good condition. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident or fall, replace your helmet.
Clothing and Gear. Select the appropriate clothing and gloves for driving conditions.
Licensing and Insurance. Class M licenses are required for Massachusetts motorcyclists. Anyone who is 16 or older may take the Class M exam, unless the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) has taken away your right to operate.
Once you pass the exam, you must obtain auto insurance for your motorcycle. It pays to do your homework here. Under the law, Massachusetts motorcyclists are only required to purchase compulsory insurance. But you can and should also purchase optional coverage for more protection.
We encourage you to ask your insurance agent about insurance laws for motorcycles and about coverage for accidents involving underinsured and uninsured drivers. If you are ever injured and the driver responsible does not have adequate insurance, you may have to look to your own insurance policy to fill in the gap and pay some of your medical bills and other compensation.
Insurance companies do not provide for Personal Injury Protection (no-fault benefits) on motorcycle policies. We strongly recommend that you purchase Medical Payments coverage. That coverage will provide insurance for you and your passenger in the event of an accident.
Follow the Rules of the Road. Massachusetts motorcyclists must follow the same rules as other drivers, but there are some differences. If you have questions, you can quickly check the Massachusetts Motorcycle Manual online.
Defensive Driving. One topic covered in the manual is defensive driving. Commit to keeping a safe distance between you and other vehicles on the roads to avoid a motorcycle accident.
Motorcycle Accident Statistics
- Nearly 5,000 people died in motorcycle accidents in 2015, up 8 percent from 2014, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In 2015, 88,000 motorcyclists were injured.
- Motorcycle deaths occurred 27 times more frequently than other fatalities on the road, according to NHTSA figures.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
The lawyers at Breakstone, White & Gluck of Boston have over 100 years combined experience representing motorcyclists who have been seriously injured by the negligence of drivers. Our attorneys have recently negotiated settlements of $3.75 million, $3.5 million and $1.25 million for injured motorcyclists. Read more about our motorcycle accident case results.
Attorney Ronald Gluck Reaches $1.25 Million Settlement for Injured Motorcyclist
Attorney Ronald E. Gluck recently reached a $1.25 million dollar settlement in a case involving serious injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident which occurred in Massachusetts.
Attorney Gluck, who has successfully represented seriously injured motorcyclists for over thirty five years, obtained the full insurance liability policy limits for our client from the defendant’s insurance company.
The motorcycle accident occurred when the offending driver of a sedan made a sudden left turn in front of our client’s motorcycle, cutting off his path of travel and leaving him no room to stop. As a result he crashed into the side of the sedan, and suffered life altering injuries.
Our client, who was obeying traffic laws and was wearing proper motorcycle clothing, suffered severe injuries, including multiple fractures of his pelvis, fractures of his lower leg and an injury to his peroneal nerve which caused significant foot drop. During surgery to repair the fractures, he suffered a complication resulting in major loss of blood among other injuries. Doctors used heroic measures to stop the bleeding and save his life.
The client was hospitalized for weeks and required extensive post hospitalization inpatient rehabilitation. Due to his injuries he was unable to work for several months. When he returned to his employment as an executive at a national company, he remained on crutches and then a cane for several more months. Long distance travel was a struggle for an extended period of time.
The injury to our client’s peroneal nerve remains a lasting injury and he is required to wear a brace in his shoe to enable him to walk steadily on many surfaces. He is also unable to participate in activities such as golf and basketball as he had in the past.
This case was reported in Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly on December 1, 2016.
Our Experience: Previous Motorcycle Accident Settlements
Attorney Gluck has extensive experience representing motorcyclists. His experience includes a $3.75 million settlement for an injured motorcyclist in 2012, which was reported as among the state’s largest verdicts and settlements that year by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly.
In that case, the motorcyclist was critically injured when a Lexus cut into his traffic lane, causing the rider to slam into the vehicle. The motorcyclist suffered major facial fractures, a concussion, blindness in one eye and orthopedic injuries.
The client was rendered unable to work as a result of his injuries. The proof of his loss of earning capacity by use of expert testimony was critical to Attorney Gluck’s successful resolution of the case for $3.75 million. The loss of earning capacity amount claimed by our client was disputed by the insurance company’s expert, but was proven to be accurate. The case was settled at the end of an all-day mediation, which took place two weeks before the scheduled trial date.
Breakstone, White & Gluck has over 100 years combined experience representing those who have been injured by negligence in auto accidents, truck accidents, bus accidents and motorcycle accidents.
Motorcycle accidents are not the same as other traffic accidents and if you have been injured, it is important to find an attorney who has specific experience obtaining compensation for motorcyclists.
About Attorney Ronald E. Gluck
Ronald E. Gluck is a Boston personal injury attorney who has been practicing law for over 35 years and has obtained multi-million dollar awards for individuals who have suffered catastrophic injuries and damages from acts of negligence. Attorney Gluck has been consistently recognized as one of the top lawyers in the state and has been selected to the Massachusetts Super Lawyers list each year since 2005. Read more about Attorney Gluck.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
The Boston personal injury attorneys at Breakstone, White & Gluck have over 100 years combined experience handling motor vehicle accident cases resulting in serious personal injury or wrongful death. If you have been injured, it is important to learn your rights. For a free legal consultation, contact us at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
Attorney Marc Breakstone Settles Motorcyclist Wrongful Death Case for Family for $3.5 Million
Attorney Marc Breakstone recently settled a wrongful death case for the family of a motorcyclist for $3.5 million. The case was settled in March 2016.
The motorcyclist was tragically killed by a waste disposal truck in West Bridgewater in 2013. The truck, which was being operated by a subcontractor, pulled out across the road in the path of the motorcyclist. The motorcyclist applied the brakes and laid down his motorcycle, attempting to avoid the collision and struck the defendant’s truck at less than 5 mph.
The motorcyclist continued to roll under the truck. The truck driver did not see him and ran the rear tires over his body, killing him.
The truck driver should never have been behind the wheel. The driver had a “Z” restriction on his license, which prohibited him for operating any vehicles that did not have a breathalyzer interlock on the ignition. The truck had no interlock and the driver was criminally charged.
About Attorney Marc Breakstone
Marc L. Breakstone has established a reputation as one of the top medical malpractice and personal injury lawyers in New England. His record-setting settlements and verdicts have earned him the distinction of being selected as one of the Top 100 Super Lawyers in New England and Top 100 Super Lawyers in Massachusetts. He has also been selected by his peers as one of the top medical malpractice plaintiff’s lawyers in the Super Lawyer balloting. In 2002, Attorney Breakstone was honored as one of ten “Lawyers of the Year” by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly. More on Marc Breakstone.
About Breakstone, White & Gluck
The Boston personal injury attorneys at Breakstone, White & Gluck have over 100 years combined experience handling motor vehicle accident cases resulting in serious personal injury or wrongful death. If you have been injured, it is important to learn your rights. For a free legal consultation, contact us at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month: Safety Reminders and Our Experience Representing Injured Riders
Before June begins, we have a final thought for May, which was Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.
Motorcycle use continues to grow in the U.S. but so do motorcycle accidents. For 15 years now, we have seen an annual increase in motorcyclist fatalities, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The one exception was 2009. When motorcyclists survive, they are also suffering more non-fatal injuries. In 2012, 93,000 motorcycling injuries were reported, 12,000 more injuries than in 2011.
A few safety reminders for drivers:
- Remember motorcyclists have all the same rights, privileges and responsibilities as other motorists.
- Allow motorcyclists a full lane width.
- Give motorcyclists extra following distance when you are behind them.
- Before you switch lanes, always check your vehicle’s mirrors and your blind spot for motorcyclists.
- Make sure you signal your intention to change lanes or merge with traffic.
- Do not rely on a motorcyclist’s flashing turn signal. The rider may have forgotten to turn it off or it may not be self-cancelling.
A few safety reminders for motorcyclists:
- Remember to wear your helmet and do not let any passengers ride without one. In 2012, overall motorcycle helmet use fell to 60 percent. Passenger helmet use dropped to 46 percent.
- Wear reflective tape whenever possible.
- Do not consume alcohol when you are operating.
- Obey traffic laws. You must have a special license to operate a motorcycle in Massachusetts and that is important. Some 24 percent of all riders who are involved in fatal motorcycle crashes are operating with invalid licenses.
Our Experience Representing Injured Riders
The Boston personal injury lawyers at Breakstone, White & Gluck have over 100 years combined experience handling automobile and motorcycle accident cases.
Read about one case attorney Ronald Gluck handled for an injured motorcyclist. Gluck’s client was seriously injured when a negligent driver cut into his lane and struck his motorcycle. He suffered numerous injuries, including facial fractures, concussions, blindness in one eye and a shoulder injury and had to undergo surgeries. Gluck negotiated a $3.75 million settlement.
Read about the case on our website.
Read the client’s review on Avvo or below.

Contact Breakstone, White & Gluck in Boston
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, it is important to access immediate medical treatment. Then learn your rights for seeking compensation. For a free legal consultation, contact us at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
Motorcycle Accidents Are Top Concern During Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
May has arrived and as motorcycling season begins, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is observing Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.
The national initiative aims to encourage drivers and motorcyclists to “share the road” and highlights that motorcycles are vehicles with the same rights and privileges as any other motor vehicle on the road.
This is an important point because most motorcycle accidents involve passenger vehicles and trucks. Many motorcycle accidents result from a lack of understanding and awareness on the part of both or either party. Many times, drivers will say they fail to see motorcyclists until just before an accident.
In 2009, motorcyclists were 25 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in a crash, according to the NHTSA. Motorcyclists were five times more likely to be injured based on miles traveled.
But motorcyclists can take a number of safety steps to protect themselves on the road. The Boston motorcycle accident lawyers at Breakstone, White & Gluck share a few motorcycle safety tips:
Wear a Helmet. Wearing a helmet is the best way to protect yourself from serious head injury. An unhelmeted motorcyclist is 40 percent more likely to suffer a fatal head injury in a motorcycle crash than one wearing a helmet, according to the NHTSA. Massachusetts is one of 19 states which require all motorcyclists to wear helmets. State law also requires all scooter and “low-power” riders to wear helmets.
Select a full-face helmet for the best protection. An open-faced helmet provides the next highest level of safety.
To select the right helmet, look for one which meets Department of Transportation (DOT) standards. All adult helmets are required to meet this standard and it will be clearly labeled on the helmet. The Snell Memorial Foundation is another well-respected testing organization to seek out, but helmet manufacturers are not required to meet its standards.
Take a Safety Class. Take an annual class on motorcycling safety to learn important techniques such as splitting lanes and how to handle road conditions such as uneven pavement and railroad tracks.
Wear Brightly Colored Clothing. Your goal is to make yourself as visible as possible to drivers during the day as well as night. Consider bright colors for your clothing and helmet.
Look in the Car’s Side View Mirrors. On the road, your best position is to be able to see the driver’s eyes in the side view mirror. If you cannot, you are in the vehicle’s blind spot, meaning the driver cannot see you in the mirror when he makes a driving decision.
Splitting Lanes. This is when a motorcycle moves in between two vehicles in separate lanes. Make sure you have the experience to make this move and make sure drivers around you are alert.
Avoid Riding in Inclement Weather. The risk for personal injuries increase in the rain and other bad weather conditions.
- Motorcycles, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- 7 Tips for Motorcycle Safety, Massachusetts Department of Transportation
- Motorcycle and Bicycle Helmet Use Laws, Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
- Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month Reminds Drivers, Riders to Share the Road, Consumer Reports
The Boston motorcycle accident lawyers at Breakstone, White & Gluck have over 80 years combined experience handling motor vehicle and motorcycle accident cases in Massachusetts. If you have been injured, it is important to learn your legal rights. For a free legal consultation, contact us today at 800-379-1244 or 617-723-7676 or use our contact form.
Drive Safely This Memorial Day Weekend
As 35 million Americans plan to travel this Memorial Day weekend, we urge drivers in Massachusetts and throughout New England to think safety.
Travel will be down 100,000 travelers from 2010, which saw a 14 percent increase from the year before, according to the auto club AAA. Approximately 30.9 million people plan to drive 50 miles or more to their Memorial Day destination.
When this many drivers are on the road, it is especially important to watch out for those around you to avoid traffic accidents. That includes pedestrians, bicyclists and motorcyclists as well as other cars. Here are some things to remember while traveling this holiday weekend:
- Wear seatbelts and make sure everyone in the car does the same. It is the law in Massachusetts and has proven effective in preventing traffic fatalities. In 2008 alone, seat belts saved more than 13,000 lives nationwide, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
- If you are traveling with children, make sure child passenger seats are in compliance with the law. Passenger seats can save lives in motor vehicle accidents. Click here to learn about Massachusetts’ child passenger seat law.
- When the roads are congested, watch out for aggressive drivers. Aggressive driving behavior may include someone who is following you too closely, speeding or gesturing at you. Avoid eye contact. Do not gesture back. Make it your goal to move away from the driver and not be involved in an aggressive driving car accident. If you can get the driver’s license plate, report the driver to authorities when it is safe to do so.
- Avoid driving fatigue. Do not drive if you have had inadequate sleep, worked an excessive number of hours or late at night without proper rest.
- Give motorcyclists more distance – three or four seconds – when following from behind to prevent a motorcycle accident. The goal is to give the motorcyclist enough time to make decisions and stop quickly if needed.
- Be aware that a motorcycle’s flashing turn signal can be deceptive. The signal may not be self-canceling and a motorcyclist may forget to turn it off. Wait to see whether the rider actually turns or a motorcycle accident may result.
- Allow bicyclists 3 feet clearance when passing on the road.
- Yield to cyclists at intersections and traffic signals before making your own driving decisions.
- Watch out for pedestrians and runners even in areas you may not expect them. In 2009, pedestrian deaths accounted for 12 percent of all traffic fatalities.
- Be vigilant about not driving while distracted and not texting while driving. It may be easy to let your guard down when you are relaxing among friends and family. But motor vehicle accidents happen fast and it is best to focus on the road.
- If you are drinking alcohol, do not drive, bicycle or walk on the road.